USCG Navigation Rules & Regulations Handbook
NSN 7642-01-448-2151, 050-012-00407-2 aka: 'Rules of the Road' / 'Navigation Rules International - Inland (72 COLREGS)'
This Handbook supersedes Commandant Instruction M16672.2D, Navigation Rules: International−Inland. It maintains the same format and provides additional and updated content. Not all U.S. Navigation Regulations found in Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations are contained in this handbook. This is the official government rule book required on all vessels over 40' feet in length. Also known as NavRules CG169, contains the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS). complete copy of the Inland and International Navigations as presented by the United States Coast Guard updated to include all corrections presented by the USCG through July, 1, 2013 (7/1/2013). Section 88.05 of Annex, to the Inland Rules requires that an up-to-date copy on Navigation Rules be carried at all time on Inland Waters, on all vessels 12 meters (39 feet) or more in length. The COLREGS Demarcation Lines, included at the end of this book, specify the official boundaries between Inland and International Waters. The printed government edition of Navigation Rules was last published in 1999. There have been changes to the publication a these changes have been incorporated into the online version of the book.