IMO-Vega On The Web; Multi-buy Discounted Rate (add'l users)



This is a yearly subscription to the IMO-Vega Database.

IMO-Vega is an essential tool for anyone involved in shipping: shipowners and operators, shipbuilders, classification societies, casualty investigators, governments, insurers and underwriters, port authorities, surveyors and many others.

The IMO-Vega Database, developed jointly by IMO and Det Norske Veritas (DNV GL AS), puts all the necessary information at your fingertips. Given year of build, ship type, ship size, cargo, trade area and flag, IMO-Vega will quickly identify the requirements applicable to the ship in question.

Unlike other, similar products, IMO-Vega contains historical data including regulations which have been superseded. In the context of Port State Control, for example, access to the correct historical regulations is essential.

The IMO-Vega subscription includes up-to-date texts, with all amendments adopted up to April 2022, of the following IMO requirements:
- 1974 SOLAS Convention, including 1978 and 1988 Protocols and all amendments
