Cyber Security Workbook Onboard Ship Use 5th Ed. 2024

SKU BP107281


Cyber Security Workbook Onboard Ship Use 5th Ed. 2024

Cyber risk management should be an inherent part of safety and security and should be considered at all levels of the company, including senior management ashore and onboard personnel.

This workbook provides practical guidance for ship (Part One - Onboard Practical Considerations) and shore (Part Two - Shore Management Considerations), including technical departments, IT departments and equipment manufacturers. It is aligned with IMO Resolution MSC.428(98) and will also be useful to the wider maritime industry.

The fifth edition has been produced and supported by BIMCO and International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

It contains updated information on current threats and includes new topics such as the tools available to detect malware, process for hardening a computer, risks to Voyage Data Recorders (VDR), example of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) applied to NMEA messages, explanation of the Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) tools, etc.

New detailed case studies illustrating cyber risks in a memorable fashion have been added. There are 14 checklists and 7 annexes, including risk assessment and how to create a cyber security plan.
