ADRS2-1 Europe; Africa; & Med - 12 Months
Admiralty List of Radio Signals - Radio Aids to Navigation, Differential GPS (DGPS), Legal Time, Radio Time Signals and Electronic Fixing System (Volume2 - Part 1) provides a comprehensive source of information on the aspects of Maritime Radio Communications. Part 1 of a two part series covers Europe, Africa, Asia (excluding the Far East) and more. The purpose of this volume is to provide information on the following topics: • VHF radio direction-finding stations • Worldwide listing of radar beacons • Worldwide list of automatic identification system (AIS) aids to navigation (AtoN) • Worldwide listing of radio beacons transmitting DGPS corrections • International standard and daylight savings times and dates • International radio time signal broadcast details • Electronic position fixing system. Author: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Publisher: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office Edition Date: 2017/18 Number of Pages: 253 **Please contact us via phone or email to order Admiralty digital products. Additional information is needed to set up the vessel in the UKHO database.**
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