Ozone Depleting Substances Record Logbook
Log Ozone Depleting Substances Record Book ODS Record Book which includes record keeping instructions and check list for compliance with MARPOL. ODS Record book is required on yachts when there is a presence of certain ozone depleting substances or if you have equipment that requires an IAAP certificate. Record book is in landscape format and spiral bound. MARPOL ANNEX VI Regulation 12 States: "No CFC or halon containing system or equipment is permitted to be installed on ships constructed on or after 19 May 2005 and no new installation of the same is permitted on or after that date on existing ships. Similarly, no HCFC containing system or equipment is permitted to be installed on ships constructed on or after 1 January 2020 and no new installation of the same is permitted on or after that date on existing ships. Existing systems and equipment are permitted to continue in service and may be recharged as necessary. However, the deliberate discharge of ODS to the atmosphere is prohibited. When servicing or decommissioning systems or equipment containing ODS the gases are to be duly collected in a controlled manner and, if not to be reused onboard, are to be landed to appropriate reception facilities for banking or destruction. Any redundant equipment or material containing ODS is to be landed ashore for appropriate decommissioning or disposal. The latter also applies when a ship is dismantled at the end of its service life. Additionally, for ships with ODS containing systems or equipment and which are required to have an IAPP Certificate, an ODS Record Book is to be maintained in which is recorded any related supply, recharging, repair, discharge or disposal operations."