Cruising Guide Central & Southern California



Comprehensive and authoritative, this guide combines and updates two smaller, long-trusted regional books to provide seamless coverage of the entire California coast from just outside the Golden Gate Bridge to Mexico, with special attention given to the popular offshore islands between Point Conception and San Diego. Brian Fagan draws upon more than three decades of experience sailing those waters under all conditions to offer the definitive cruising guide for both sailors and powerboaters.

The coast of Central and Southern California offers some of the most extraordinary--and challenging--cruising in the world. Whether you're planning a cruise of the Channel Islands, a weekend on Catalina Island, or an offshore passage around Point Conception, you'll want expert guidance. The Cruising Guide to Central and Southern California provides comprehensive coverage of all the anchorages and harbors from the Golden Gate Bridge to Ensenada, Mexico, including the offshore islands. It includes historical background, information on local weather and cruising conditions, passagemaking strategies for sailors and powerboaters, and photographs of all ports and anchorages as they appear from the water. Brian Fagan has sailed these waters for over thirty years and has visited every port and anchorage in the book, most of them many times. His Cruising Guide to Central and Southern California will give you all the information you need for a safe, comfortable, and spectacular cruise.

Format: Paperback

# of pages: 384

Author: Brian M. Fagan
